Benefits of online learning during a Lockdown
In the weeks gone by, schools in Coimbatore have faced peculiar problems by way of the unprecedented interruption in the academic plan and the disruption in the learning of students. However, notwithstanding these obstacles, several of the best CBSE schools in Coimbatore have ably risen to the challenge of implementing online learning modules and virtual classrooms as a way of ensuring that the learning never comes to a standstill.
The reality as is – CBSE School in Coimbatore
With the advent of the coronavirus pandemic, came the containment measures of self-isolation, social distancing and self-quarantine. As a result, numerous schools in Coimbatore enforced strict lockdown measures, shut classrooms and appealed for all children to stay put at home until the epidemic came under control.
While for schools this meant a major interruption in the academic year, for students it implied a big gap in their learning.
However, many of the best schools in Coimbatore took timely steps to ensure that, despite the lockdown, the learning continued to go on even at home. With the implementation of web-based learning tutorials, many schools put into operation the concept of virtual classrooms and online learning.
This meant that technological alternatives including networking channels such as computers, smartphone/mobile phones, radio, and television were quickly put to good use and that despite the temporary interruption, students had something to look forward to from their respective schools.
Why online learning is picking up steam – Best Schools in Coimbatore.
Online learning is not a new concept by any means. However, with the ongoing lockdown, this teaching & learning platform has got a new lease of life.
As students cannot venture outside the house and physically attend school as they used to, schools have found a way of bringing the classroom on to the screens of computers and smartphone / mobile phones.
And has online learning found acceptance among students?
In addition to helping students of the best CBSE schools in Coimbatore stay connected with their academics, the introduction of online classrooms has encouraged students to stay motivated and deal resiliently with the epidemic-induced anxiety.
Besides this, there have been a slew of positive impacts of remote classrooms which we’ll learn about below-
1. Flexibility:
In times like these, when self-isolation, social distancing and self-quarantine are essential protection measures, online education offers students of schools in Coimbatore flexibility in terms of being physically present in a classroom.
Pupils have to simply sign in at the scheduled time slot & enter the virtual class via a cell phone or personal computer and viola – the classroom session comes on.
Additionally, with the virtual sharing of syllabi and online videos along with a support help desk that answers doubts, students of CBSE schools in Coimbatore become privy to education at the mere click of a button.
2. All relevant information in one place:
With remote classrooms, educators can share useful information over the internet and keep it securely preserved in an electronic archive.
This covers items such as live explanation videos, textbooks and even correspondences between the school, teacher and students. Doing so ensures that if something needs further explanations, the learner can easily view these records and resolve doubts instantly.
3. Interactivity gets a boost:
While there are niggling network connectivity issues causing interruptions during a live class or increased screen time challenges, by and large, online learning offers students of the best CBSE schools in Coimbatore the opportunity to virtually interact with their peers and teachers.
Moreover, with remote classrooms, students are urged to continue the momentum of learning by way of sharing learning materials via email and video recordings. Through such channels, there is the creation of an ‘online’ link between the children and educators which in turn empowers them to communicate and interact with one another.
4. Computer-savvy skill sets
The growing transition to online learning and interactive classrooms has also made vast improvements in the resourcefulness of students.With the advent of new learning technologies, students gain more computing capabilities and develop aptitudes in the usage of technology for reasons other than just gaming and entertainment.
Besides, with technological creativity becoming exceedingly prevalent in many nations around the world, the idea of ‘anywhere, anytime’ education gets the impetus it deserves.
In summation – Best CBSE schools in Coimbatore
With chances of a further extension of the lockdown being high, the greatest concern among parents is whether remote classrooms are capable of conducting examinations and assessments.
What’s more, regardless of the merits of online learning and virtual classrooms, there are niggling worries about how examinations would be conducted virtually and if there will be a monitoring system of some kind…
At Reeds World School, the best CBSE School in Coimbatore, we agree that periodical examinations are important to check how well students have grasped what was taught in the study hall, but there are no easy answers just yet. The following months will be pivotal to see how schools hold out in this testing phase and whether more innovative mechanisms will need to be introduced.